How much does physical therapy cost?

How much does physical therapy cost?

How much does physical therapy cost?

The total cost of physical therapy can vary depending on the condition and your health insurance coverage.

At ReQuest Physical Therapy, the cost of treatment usually ranges from around $80 to $120 per session if you pay out of pocket.

Insurance coverage varies greatly. We do our best to keep costs down but please note, your copay or coinsurance is dictated by your insurance provider, not our clinic.  Some plans have copays or coinsurance from $15 to $30 while other plans have copays ranging from $60 to $80.  The billing department at ReQuest Physical Therapy is happy to discuss affordable payment options for people without insurance coverage or with high deductible plans.

We can (and will) estimate your cost of treatment prior to your first visit.  This is not a guarantee of coverage but is based on the most current information provided to us by your insurer.  If you are scheduled for an evaluation, we will call you 24-72 hours prior to your appointment with this information. Please note, we cannot leave this information in a voice message so you will have to call back to get the information if you miss the call.  If you would like an estimate before scheduling, you can contact our office with insurance information and the type of problem. The cost of physical therapy at ReQuest Physical Therapy is usually much less expensive per session compared to large medical systems or corporate providers that have higher approved insurance payments ranging from $250 to $400 per session.